
Purplex shares some Instagram tips to help get your business noticed

From the boom in popularity of Instagram Stories, to the recent expansion of advertising opportunities — it’s a great time to be using Instagram for business.

The common thing seems to be to ignore platforms that you think your target audience won’t be using.

Stop right there!

You are assuming that all your audience operate online in exactly the same way, but they don’t. Every platform can be a powerful touchpoint in your potential client’s sales path.

Take Instagram for example – it’s a hot platform for influencer marketing but rarely used by companies outside of the lifestyle and beauty products markets. This doesn’t mean Instagram is a ‘quiet’ platform by any means though; by the end of 2016 Instagram reported that the platform had 600 million users and 15 million business profiles. This year Instagram hit 1 billion users worldwide, its popularity is exploding and there are now currently more 45 to 54 year olds using the platform than there are 13 to 17 year olds.

Even if you are sure that your audience won’t be on this platform, do you want to risk people seeing your competitors on Instagram and potentially losing the sale to them simply because they’ve seen a paid advert or some inspirational imagery? Let Purplex help you out a little here.

Whether your strategy needs an update or you’re a newcomer to this social media network, you’ll find our video tips on how to use Instagram for business superbly useful.

This entry was posted in Digital Marketing

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