
How has the home improvement sector fared in Google rankings during the second lockdown?

Lockdown 2.0 hasn’t been easy for any sector, although it has made more allowances for non-essential trade. So, with the right safety precautions, many manual trades have still continued working, including a lot of the home improvements sector.

What trends did we see during the first lockdown?

Being specialists in marketing for the home improvements sectors, we have access to a lot of data about consumer trends. In this blog, we researched and found that 3 of the most-searched trends during the first lockdown were ‘garden room’, ‘how-to/do-it-yourself’ and ‘patio/decking’. But it was a very different lockdown to this one: long, sunny days and the novelty of working from home or being paid to not work for some!

So, what’s changed in consumer search behaviour this time around?

How have the keyword rankings shifted?

As you can imagine, the interest in garden rooms and decking has dropped along with the temperatures. But when we look at a five-year view of these keywords, it’s quite a surprising outcome. Despite concerns over the impact of the current economic climate, interest levels for garden rooms this winter are higher than peak seasons last year:

garden room 5 year search trend

Patio and decking related searches have dropped back to almost the usual seasonal levels of interest, which makes sense as they can only really serve their purpose in the warmer months.

With the how-to/do-it-yourself topic, there have been more searches that include those terms during lockdown 2.0 compared to last year, but about a third less interest than during the first lockdown. Hopefully, people have already mastered how to make banana bread and how to build a garden bar! This winter lockdown we are seeing Christmas related how-to searches and home improvement searches like ‘secondary glazing DIY’.

How are home improvement website traffic levels looking this lockdown versus the last one?

From a sample group of our home improvement clients, here are some key organic traffic statistics to show the average performance of our digital clients:

  • March – June 30th 2020 vs the same period in 2019 – 94.00% average increase in organic traffic
  • October – Nov 25th 2020 vs the same period in 2019 – 95.77% average increase in organic traffic

It’s key to be working on your online presence as using digital devices to research and make purchases have only been accelerated by Covid-19 and lockdowns. Are you interested in helping your business of businesses not just survive but thrive digitally, call us on 01934 808 132 or email

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